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Information required for handling international notary documents?

Released Date: May 11,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

Customer'sBVIWhen the company returned to invest in mainland China, the relevant government agency demanded investorsBVIThe company provides the international notary document, then what information is required for the international notary document?

Customer'sBVIWhen the company returned to invest in mainland China, the relevant government agency demanded investorsBVIThe company provides the international notary document, then what information is required for the international notary document?
The first essential isBVIPrincipal Information of the company: Certificate of Incorporation (CI), Register of Members, Register of Directors, Articles of Association (M&A), the company's certificate of existence.

Due toBVIThere is no diplomatic relationship with China, so it is necessary to pass through a third country (i.eBVICountries with established government relations) to do certification, first byBVIRegistration of a companyAGENTOr certified by a locally or internationally recognized accountant(Certify);BVIA local notary does the notarization; resubmitBVIThe government does certification; After the certification is complete, the information will be sent to the British Foreign Office for certification; Finally, the Chinese Embassy in the United Kingdom does the certification.

Normally, the entire international notary document completion time is expected to take1About a month, but since the global epidemic has not stabilized, it will depend on the completeness of the customer's preparation information and the overall international environment.

Information required for handling international notary documents?

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