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Typical case review | 35171630, "micro eed VILEDA" trademark dispute case

Released Date: Jan 05,2022 Article Source: HUANZE
A close reading of Typical Cases of Trademark Objection and Review   |  No. 35171630 "VILEDA" Trademark Objection Case.

Dissenter: Carl•Freudenberg Joint Ventures
Respondent: Guangzhou Balun Valley Technology Co., LTD
Trademark challenged: "Weilida VILEDA"
Specified commodity: No20Class "indoor shutter" etc
        The respondent fails to reply within the prescribed time limit. In accordance with Article 4 and Article 35 of the Trademark Law, the Trademark Office decides35171630"Little power to reach VILEDAThe trademark shall not be registered.

        Ringser's view:2019The revised Trademark Law has added a provision in Paragraph 1 of Article 4 that "any malicious trademark registration application not for the purpose of use shall be rejected". The purpose of the new clause is to resolutely curb malicious trademark registration applications "not for the purpose of use" and effectively regulate the order of trademark registration applications. In this case, the person opposed has applied for registration in several categories990The remaining trademarks, many of which are identical or similar to the original trademarks used by other companies. If the person opposed fails to submit the above trademark use evidence and trademark creation source, its behavior does not belong to the reasonable trademark reserve for the purpose of expanding the market, and the number and type of trademarks it applies for registration obviously exceed the normal demand of market subjects, it shall be deemed as "the behavior of not applying for trademark registration for the purpose of use" and be rejected. For more information about the trademark, please contact Lianze Consultant.

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