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What kind of knowledge is being exported to human beings in the era of data energy of the Internet of everything? (II)

Released Date: Mar 01,2021 Article Source: Luo Xinrong, Huanze Company
In the era of the Internet of Things, people begin to realize that the world is linked together, and each seemingly independent individual has a close relationship with the world. The world has changed and there is only one direction, and this direction is that everyone begins to strive to be an ordinary person who is not a bad person.

In the era of the Internet of Things, people begin to realize that the world is linked together, and each seemingly independent individual has a close relationship with the world. The world has changed and there is only one direction, and this direction is that everyone begins to strive to be an ordinary person who is not a bad person. Even start to learn to be a good person. Because people are discovering that being a good person with a sense of compassion for the world is rewarded and celebrated in this interconnected world.

The world has changed, and for thousands of years of human history, it has been easier to be bad. However, when people enter the era of the Internet of everything, they find it is very difficult to be a bad person now. Those mysterious and secret things in history begin to be dissolved by the connected network, and it becomes difficult to be a bad person. The social order, which used to be maintained by law and morality, has begun to grow a force called self-discipline under the catalyst of the Internet of everything, which maintains the order of human society. It seems that human beings have never been like today, starting to self-regulate to protect our earth home, especially in the East Asian economic circle dominated by the Confucian culture circle; Comparatively speaking, the Christian and Catholic cultures, which have not yet put down their rights to protect privacy, feel a temporary alienation from the Internet of everything era ushered in by data energy. Soon, of course, these large and populous cultural circles will catch up with this new world, and it will be the Chinese civilization, with its wisdom of integrating nature and man and its world outlook, that will lead this new world forward.

When human beings enter the era of interconnection of everything and intelligent information, it will be the consensus of human beings to take the initiative to embrace information and embrace this new world of interconnection. The education model and the mode of teaching and reciting sutras, which have been practiced for thousands of years, will gradually collapse. Teachers in the traditional sense will be redefined by this new era, and those conformist and inflexible professional and knowledge symbol system will eventually be dust...

Enlightenment wisdom is an independent event of life from the inside out. The history of human preaching proves that there is no way out for human beings to be enlightened by preaching. However, it is a great pity that human beings have been tossing about for thousands of years, and always regard preaching as the only ladder to wisdom. This is actually a kind of sacrifice the essentials of the inversion.

Of course, it is also because of the historical causes of human information transmission. Human beings are from the letter age, to the telegraph, telephone age, and then to the electronic information age, and finally to today's era of data energy. This era is the first time for human civilization1.0Step into2.0An upgrade of The Times; The biggest disruption of this upgrade is that through the Internet of everything, human beings will begin to realize that everything in human beings is a "community of shared future".

What human beings have not realized and realized for thousands of years, through an invisible network link, human beings will surely realize completely. This conscious consciousness is happening every day, and it is accelerating the ascension at an elevation Angle...

The history of mankind, free from the pain of separation, must be born in the new world of interconnection.

When the vast majority of people begin to put down the preaching of words and chanting sutras, only through the interconnection of daily life as a bridge, and fully rely on intuition and self-consciousness to realize the wisdom of "all things are one and the world is one", the whole ascension of human civilization will inevitably take place...

What kind of knowledge is being exported to human beings in the era of data energy of the Internet of everything?(II)

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