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Is there any tax risk in Hong Kong company if there is no personnel wage expenditure?

Released Date: Jan 15,2022 Article Source: HUANZE

Many Hong Kong companies do not pay personnel wages in their daily operations. In this case, accounting audit and tax declaration of Hong Kong companies will not have any impact.

A lotHong Kong companyIn the daily operation, staff salary will not be paid. In this case, the accounting audit of the Hong Kong company and the tax declaration of the Hong Kong company will have no impact. However, if the Hong Kong company is trading offshore and does not pay Hong Kong profits tax, it may be at risk. Hong Kong companies that do not pay profits tax may have to defend offshore profits to the tax office.

In defense of offshore profitsHong Kong companyClarify the basic structure of the company, its day-to-day operations, who is responsible, what they do, where they work, etc. If the Hong Kong company has no personnel salary expenses, and the personnel appear in the corporate structure and daily operation, it will contradict itself, and it is difficult to make a reasonable explanation to the tax bureau. Therefore, the defense of offshore profits may not succeed, and the Hong Kong Tax Bureau may ask the company to pay back profits tax.

So, we suggestHong Kong companyAs a legal entity operating independently, it should have a basic personnel structure and corresponding personnel salary expenses, especially for large Hong Kong companies with offshore profits. This can prepare the offshore profit defense, in order to reduce the company's tax risk.

Is there any tax risk in Hong Kong company if there is no personnel wage expenditure?

CycloseThe company is committed to providing domestic and foreign customers with corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning and other services in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.

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