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What is an unqualified opinion in an audit report of a Hong Kong company?

Released Date: Jun 05,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

In the accounting of Hong Kong companies and in the audit of Hong Kong companies, the opinion of the audit report is the most concerned, then what are the opinion types of the audit report? The following is a brief introduction:

Accounting and accounting in Hong KongHong Kong corporate auditThe comments in the audit report are the most concerned, thatHong Kong corporate auditWhat are the types of opinions in the report? The following is a brief introduction:

Hong Kong corporate auditMeans that a certified public accountant in Hong Kong provides reasonable assurance as to whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement To provide advice in a positive manner to enhance confidence in the financial statements by prospective users other than management.

Hong Kong corporate auditThere are four types of reported opinions: audit reports without reservations; Audit reports with qualified opinions; Audit reports for which opinions cannot be expressed; Audit report of negative opinion.

Unqualified audit report: In the opinion of the auditor, your financial statements give a true and fair picture of your company's financial positionHong Kong auditcriterion(Hong Kong Auditing Standards)Conduct audit work independently of the company in accordance with the Hong Kong Society of Accountants Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants("Code")To fulfil other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the Code. Auditors trust audit evidence. The information provided to the auditor is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor's opinion.

An unqualified audit report is an audit report of reasonable assurance and high quality, which is the most acceptable audit report for every company in Hong Kong. Only careful understanding of audit report opinions can reduce audit risks.

What is an unqualified opinion in an audit report of a Hong Kong company?

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