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Hong Kong identity how to do marriage records notarial certification?

Released Date: Jun 02,2022 Article Source: HUANZE

Recently, I met a customer with Hong Kong identity. She needs to immigrate to Australia, so her marriage record in Hong Kong needs to be notarized. So how do you do that?

 Recently, I met a customer with Hong Kong identity. She needs to immigrate to Australia, so her marriage record in Hong Kong needs to be notarized. So how do you do that?

First of all, you need to provide your Hong Kong identity card and fill out an application for Certificate of marriage records to the Hong Kong Immigration Department. Yes7About one job to finish. Certificate of application can be made on the spot, by mail or online.

The second step, after getting the certificate, in the Hong Kong notary to do the Hague international notarization.

Third, since Australia has acceded to the Hague Convention and Hong Kong is also a party to it, the third step of the Hong Kong High Court's signature can be unnecessary. If the demander requests it, the third step -- the Hong Kong High Court -- is required.

Immigration to another country requires notarization of marriage records is basically the same process as above, note that the third step depends on whether the country is a party to the Hague Convention to determine whether it is necessary.

Hong Kong identity how to do marriage records notarial certification?

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