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Distance Information plans to invest in the establishment of a wholly owned subsidiary in Hong Kong

Released Date: Dec 29,2022 Article Source: HUANZE

Hangzhou Yuanfang Optoelectronic Information Co., LTD. Yu2022years12month22The third meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the third meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of the Company were held on January 1. They deliberated and passed the Motion on the investment establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong and agreed that the use of the company's own capital should not exceed988Ten thousand US dollars or equivalent Hong Kong dollars (subject to the actual approval of the relevant examination and approval authority) to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary "Tianmi Technology Co., LTD." (provisional name, subject to final registration) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

Hangzhou Yuanfang Optoelectronic Information Co., LTD. Yu2022years12month22The third meeting of the fifth Board of Directors and the third meeting of the fifth Board of Supervisors of the Company were held on January 1. They deliberated and passed the Motion on the investment establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary in Hong Kong and agreed that the use of the company's own capital should not exceed988Ten thousand US dollars or equivalent Hong Kong dollars (subject to the actual approval of the relevant examination and approval authority) to establish a wholly-owned subsidiary "Tianmi Technology Co., LTD." (provisional name, subject to final registration) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

Ring view:The overseas investment and establishment of the subsidiary in Hong Kong by AFAR Information is a combination of the unique unrestricted advantages of Hong Kong and the foundation of international development, which provides effective guarantee for the safety of the supply chain of the company and the whole industry. Strengthen the integration of Hong Kong and international industrial advantages, introduce overseas frontier talents and technologies, improve the company's core competitiveness, drive and enhance the development of our photoelectric detection industry and its upstream and downstream industries; By taking advantage of the advantages of Hong Kong, on the basis of providing remote information to overseas markets and photoelectric testing products of the whole industry, the advantages of listed companies in photoelectric testing, standardization and calibration will be brought into play. The world photoelectric testing and measurement Center and product certification center will be established in Hong Kong to engage in international testing and certification business, and further explore overseas markets.

Distance Information plans to invest in the establishment of a wholly owned subsidiary in Hong Kong

CycloseThe company focuses on providing corporate audit, tax declaration, registration, annual inspection, tax planning and other services in Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai and other regions. Efficient, rigorous, intimate service has been favored by many private enterprises, listed companies and large state-owned enterprises.

Keywords: Cyclose

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