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How to handle personal Salaries tax bill after the objection period after registration of Hong Kong company?

Released Date: Oct 12,2021 Article Source: HUANZE

After many entrepreneurs register a Hong Kong company, they usually hire employees in the mainland to do the work related to the Hong Kong company. Therefore, the Hong Kong company will pay salaries to these employees. However, according to relevant regulations, when individuals receive the salaries from the Hong Kong company, they should declare and pay individual income tax to the local tax bureau.

Many entrepreneursRegistered Hong Kong companyAfter that, employees are generally hired in the mainland to engage in the relevant work of the Hong Kong company, so the Hong Kong company will pay salaries to these employees. However, according to relevant regulations, when individuals receive the salaries of the Hong Kong company, they should declare and pay individual income tax to the local tax bureau by themselves.

However, there is a catch. Since the individual is not in Hong Kong and does not work in Hong Kong, he is not subject to Hong Kong salaries tax. And if the annual salary is above132000In Hong Kong dollars, the Inland Revenue Department may issue an individual tax receipt. Tax objections must be lodged within one month from the date of issue of the tax receipt. Since the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department usually sends tax bills by ordinary mail, it will take a long time to send them to mainland China. Some may be lost, and some may even pass the objection period after receiving them. How to deal with it?

If a letter is received, it is counted from the date of delivery at the post office1You can object within months. At this pointYou can include a postmarked envelope from the post office.However, if you have not received the tax bill, the tax bureau may issue a fine to urge you to pay the tax. At this time, you must explain to the tax bureau that you have not received the tax bill, and then provide the personal address proof in mainland China, request the tax bureau to issue the tax again, and raise tax objections at the same time. If the objection period expires due to the above objective and reasonable reasons, as long as reasonable explanations can be made and corresponding certificates provided, the objection can be lodged again within the grace period.

SoRegistered Hong Kong companyAfter hiring employees in the mainland must pay attention to this aspect, so as not to miss the tax bill also increased the cost of the company.

How to handle personal Salaries tax bill after the objection period after registration of Hong Kong company?

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