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Knownet monopoly case temporarily ended, was sentenced to a heavy fine of 87.6 million yuan!

Released Date: Feb 01,2023 Article Source: HUANZE
The decision came after a seven-month investigation by the State Administration for Market Regulation, which announced in May 2022 that it was investigating Zhiki for alleged monopolistic behavior under the anti-monopoly law.

      2022years5In July, the State Administration for Market Regulation announced that it was investigating CNKI for alleged monopolistic behavior in accordance with the anti-monopoly Law7After a month of investigation, the question finally came to a conclusion. Recently, the State Administration for Market Regulation, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the anti-monopoly Law, took into account the nature, extent and duration of Zhiki's illegal behavior and the situation of eliminating the consequences of the illegal behavior and other factors, made the decision of administrative punishment according to law, ordered Zhiki to stop the illegal behavior and imposed the punishment2021Annual sales in China17.52Hundred million yuan5%In total8760Ten thousand yuan.

      Ringser's view:Nowadays, with the development of information network, the phenomenon of copyright infringement is more and more common. Some infringements are obvious, while others are hidden. While actively utilizing the resources of modern science and technology progress and enjoying the historical benefits of modern science and technology progress, CNKI should actively balance the relationship with copyright owners. The author's main focus should be on creation, not protection. Therefore, relevant rights protection issues can be entrusted to professional intellectual property legal services to deal with. It is expected that the legal system will keep pace with The Times, improve and optimize the legal protection norms of copyright in the network era, and optimize the rights protection mechanism through the promotion and development of institutional measures.

Knownet monopoly case temporarily ended, was sentenced to heavy fines8760Ten thousand yuan!

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