环泽 17载专注香港审计服务
Mengjinshan Mountain
Mengjinshan Mountain Graduated from School of Management, Xi 'an University of Science and Technology, engaged in offshore company services15Intellectual property Services13In 2001, he served as consultant, deputy manager and lecturer of Huanze Company. Registration of offshore companies, annual inspection, audit, tax declaration, profits tax exemption,CRS, bank account opening, trademark, patent, copyright and other aspects of accumulated rich experience, good at helping customers to solve difficult problems, get the majority of customers recognition and praise. Have exceeded700Home customers to provide services, including listed companies, state-owned enterprises and other strong brand enterprises, such as: Wuliangye Group Import and export company, Tianqi Lithium, Silya Group, Xinyisheng shares, Dawei shares, Zhongguang lightning protection, Sichuan Agricultural Resources Group, Youshi, Milan Baiyu, Shenhuo Lighting, Youmi Net, etc.