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Tax planning

Tax consultant

Tax consultant

Tax policy changes rapidly and economic activities are increasingly complex, tax demand covers every level of enterprise daily operation and management. As a professional financial and tax service organization, our senior team can deeply understand the ins and outs of tax policies and firmly grasp the frontier of tax development through perennial tax consultants, and can accurately judge the tax problems faced by enterprises to help them improve the level of fiscal and tax management, reduce tax risks, eliminate tax hidden dangers and create tax value.

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Tax-related audit

Tax-related audit

In order to strengthen and standardize tax administration, improve the quality of tax service and reduce the tax risks of enterprises, tax audit business originates from the requirements of tax authorities on taxpayers, and gradually becomes the needs of taxpayers in recent years. Through standardized tax administration, tax burden can be reduced. We will assist enterprises to standardize tax returns, control tax risks and enjoy tax incentives.

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Tax risk prevention and control

Tax risk prevention and control

The financial three system has been in operation for many years, and the forthcoming financial Four system has made the management means of tax authorities more and more advanced and intelligent. The risk-oriented tax management mode based on tax risk assessment has gradually been widely adopted by tax authorities and gradually applied to the whole field of tax collection and administration. The comparison of big data in the tax collection and administration system has improved the efficiency of collection and administration, and strengthened the inspection and crackdown on all kinds of violations of the tax law. Actively implement tax risk control, identify risks, reduce risks, and resolve risks.

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Tax communication

Tax communication

China's tax environment is one of the most complex and challenging in the world. Tax laws and regulations are numerous, complex in content, and change frequently. Coupled with different interpretation and implementation of tax law in different places, taxpayers are faced with many uncertainties and challenges in tax matters. These uncertainties are easy to expose taxpayers to tax compliance risks, resulting in tax late fees and fines, tax incentives, heavy tax losses and other losses. Even damage the good reputation of taxpayers.

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Tax planning

Tax planning

Tax runs through the whole process of enterprise production and management, and the realization of each link of enterprise production and management is accompanied by the shadow of tax. We can participate in the whole process of business planning and implementation, covering the business architecture construction and process design in the preparation stage, the implementation of the scheme in the operation stage and the response to tax problems in the implementation process, and the disposal of the project in the exit stage. We can make use of effective organizational skills and transaction arrangements, innovative tax planning to make enterprises compliant, and systematically develop effective tax optimization schemes for enterprises, to help enterprises choose the lowest tax risk, the optimal tax burden of the operable scheme.

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Merger and reorganization consulting

Merger and reorganization consulting

Reorganization and merger for enterprises to integrate resources, occupy the market, form merger effect and business synergy, but also to improve the tax burden provides the possibility. Due to the complex tax system in China and the unique tax laws and regulations of enterprise reorganization, the tax burden generated by different transaction modes will be very different.

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Tax lawyer

Tax lawyer

Tax administrative reconsideration refers to the activities in which the parties (taxpayers, withholding agents, tax payment guarantors and other tax parties) refuse to accept the specific tax administrative acts made by the tax authorities and their staff and apply to the tax authorities at the next higher level (reconsideration authorities) in accordance with the law, and the reconsideration authorities make decisions to maintain, change or cancel the specific administrative acts of the original tax authorities according to the law after hearing.

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  • Room 2701, Block C, Fortune Center, No. 6 Daye Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu
  • 028-66317711
  • 400-6826-139