HK Audit
Hong Kong corporate audit

As an international business and financial center, Hong Kong is also a special administrative region under the "one country, two systems" policy. It has a different company system and tax system from the mainland.Hong Kong's Companies Ordinance and Inland Revenue Ordinance both stipulate that Hong Kong companies must submit audit reports and complete tax returns as required.

What is the impact of a Hong Kong company not doing an audit?
  • CycloseBank accounts are frozen or even closed, and money cannot be freely used
  • CycloseHigh taxes and fines were imposed
  • CycloseDirectors and shareholders will generate relevant legal risks
  • CycloseUnable to participate in bidding, financing, etc
  • CyclosePrerequisite for listing
  • CycloseNecessary documents for cancellation of the company
Audit requirements
  • Statements of all bank accounts under the name of the Hong Kong company
  • Invoices for all sales and purchases
  • All other receipts and expenses are accounted for
  • All information on outbound investment
  • All information on financial assets
  • Hong Kong company registration set, the latest annual inspection receipt, the latest business registration certificate
  • Other relevant information
Audit process

Audit process

Ring Ze specializes in corporate auditing in Hong Kong19load
  • Cyclose Service system Our team consists of certified public accountants, tax accountants, lawyers and other professionals. Specialized teams will be set up for different customers to provide customized services. In the early stage, financial data will be matched with original vouchers provided by customers, and the draft audit will be prepared after confirmation.
  • Financial data are more accurateFinancial data are more accurateWe will first sort out and check the information provided by the customer, reach an agreement with the customer on key points of audit, and sort out adequate and appropriate audit evidence. Issue financial statements after sorting out original documents and give reasonable suggestions based on customer accounts.
  • Communicate more efficientlyCommunicate more efficientlyEstablish a project team, keep close contact with customers, ensure that customers' questions can be answered at any time, and communicate with auditors immediately after the audit draft is issued, so as to accelerate the audit work.
  • Archives are more tightly managedArchives are more tightly managedBecause the tax bureau will make tax inquiries in the same year3-4Therefore, whether the data is kept completely and properly is related to the success or failure of the tax defense. We will save the audit data of clients7years , have enough information to respond to tax inquiries by the tax bureau.
  • The follow-up guarantee is more perfectThe follow-up guarantee is more perfectWe will assist our clients to fill in tax forms, employee returns and other relevant materials, assist our clients to deal with inquiries from the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department, patiently interpret audit reports, and provide free consultation on audit issues.

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